Singapore is located in the southeast Asian city-state island city-state located in the central south of the country the southernmost tip of the peninsula, which means the strait of malacca, the southernmost exports, the south of Singapore's straits and Indonesia apart, north straits of johor and Malaysia separated, and with new soft causeway and a second channel between two Bridges connected Yu Xinma cross-strait land in addition to the main island of Singapore, Singapore include affiliated islands around for DE light the outer island of Singapore's largest island.
Singapore has signed investment and double-taxation protection treaties with many countries
Profits from offshore business that are not remitted in Singapore are not subject to any tax except submission of annual returns and accounts audited by local accountants every year
Stable political, economic and trading environment
With no exchange control, it is easy to raise capital
Minimum of 1 and a maximum of 50 shareholders who can be local or foreign persons
Share Capital can be the minimum paid-up capital to set up a company is S$1
Directors can be both Singapore-resident and foreign-resident persons
Must appoint a qualified company secretary within 6 months of incorporation. The company secretary must also be a natural person and a resident of Singapore
Company is required to have a local registered address in Singapore where the company will keep all of its statutory documents. The address cannot be a PO box
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