Pag Fund

Launched in 1998, PAG aims to encourage local companies and inventors to capitalise their intellectual work through patent registration.


All locally incorporated companies, Hong Kong residents which/who have never owned any patents in any countries or territories nor received funding under the PAG before will be eligible.

All applications for functional patents and inventions with technology elements and susceptible of industrial application are eligible.

Key Features

Maximum funding support: HK$250,000 or 90% of the sum of the total direct costs of patent application (including the cost for patent search-cum-technical assessment) .


Applications will be processed through HKPC on a confidential basis. Applicants must provide HKPC with details of their ideas or inventions. A patent search-cum-technical assessment will be conducted by HKPC, based on which ITC will decide whether the applications should be approved. ITC's decision will be final.