Launched in 2015, ESS aims to provide funding support for local companies to conduct in-house research and development (R&D) work with a view to encouraging the private sector to invest in R&D.
A company is incorporated in Hong Kong;
has a current business registration certificate;
is not a government subvented organisation; and
is not a subsidiary of any government subvented organisation.
Provides on a 1:1matching basis.
Maximum Funding Support: $10 million per approved project.
Maximum Project Duration: 24 months in general.
Intellectual Property Rights Ownership: recipient company.
Recoupment of Government's Contribution: NOT required.
Benefit Sharing of Commercialised R&D Results: NOT mandatory.
Upon submission of all the required information and documents by the enterprise, project application will be considered by an assessment panel comprising independent experts in the innovation and technology sector based on the following components:
Innovation and Technology Component;
Technical and Management Capability;
Financial Considerations;
Commercial Viability of Project Deliverables; and
Relevance with Government Policies or in Overall Interest of the Community.